
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

a snail's pace

Some days, I think of all I need to do, and I envy snails. They have all they need within their tiny little shells. Their lives are brief, and they're pretty simple as creatures go. But simple is all they need, so simple is all they are.

I found this one a couple of weeks ago, before all the snow. It seemed to still have the snail still in it (which was a bit odd, usually when I find them it's after a bird has got to the snail and just left the shell behind)

This seems to be the time of year when life sets a "snail's pace", everything moves slowly. I get impatient waiting on the spring to make its grand appearance. I re-read gardening books, and fuss over my houseplants, and wonder if I should get that little potted plant that I saw at the store, it was cute and I didn't have one like it.

The snow has pretty much left us for the time being. It has been in the 60ish range past couple of days, and tomorrow will be almost as warm. Still too cold at night to plant things, but warm enough to do some outdoor stuff during the day.

Maybe I will take a walk tomorrow, and see if I can find some more buggy friends, who are as confused at the weather as I am.

Time paces as the snail, slowly. Yet it passes.


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