
Friday, November 3, 2017


 I had finished the ribbons from Stones some time ago, and just kept forgetting to upload a photograph of what I had done. So here's what they look like. Not quite professional looking, but what'dya want? ;)
 I've got them hanging up with the ones from last year, and perhaps will add more next year. We'll see.

Having survived Mabon, the next spoke in the wheel was Halloween. That seems to be a time for remembering times gone by, and places that are no more, and people in your life who have passed on. To that end, my altar was decorated with some of mom's things, and photographs of both parents, and another friend who has passed on. As I lay down for sleep, I thanked them for their wisdom, and asked their assistance in the upcoming year, and help in the complexities that my life that have seemed to have sprung up here lately. I requested some wisdom of my own, and guidance.

Yesterday was spent up at the local park, to get some images that will carry me through the long, dark, cold winter I see approaching me. Literally, physically, emotionally, metaphorically--and metaphysically. I can only help to weather the storm I can see approaching.

It is, if I am allowed a cliche', about to "hit the fan".

Stay tuned!
