
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Eclipsing the past

Monday's eclipse had me indoors, watching it on TV.  I was really expecting the weather to not cooperate, as it never does. This also gave me time to light some candles, and make a wish or three. Whether or not they will come true, only time till tell.

The next scheduled one will be April 8, 2024.... I'm sort of mixed in emotions about this.
April 8 has never been a good date for me--my mother died on that day. It will be exactly 37 years. Makes me wonder what sort of significance this would have. But that's 7 years away, and even one year is a long time for me. Hell, I rarely know what I'm doing next week.

But to speak of that, packing has begun! The AAA is paid for (my car is old enough to warrant it now), the dues sent in to the site.  All I need are some accurate weather reports (cool nights are a given up there, but will it rain?) There is the feeling that no matter how  much stuff I bring along, I'm going to be missing something somewhere.... I guess if I forget it I'll go without.... ;)

Around September 23rd  is Mabon.  So I have in the works a new project: a "Mabon Mask". I have taken an old Halloween eyemask (bought for $2 at the discount store) and painted over it a sparkly silver. I am pressing grape leaves to see what they look like dried; if they do not suit I will use artificial ones. I'll post some photos when I get it more together. Mabon is on a Saturday, so there should be all sorts of stuff to get into.

Scratch, your (un)friendly neighborhood fay

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